Textile Tableau #79
"Across The Universe"
Hand Woven in Paris
February 2022

This soft textile tableau is the woven hand woven transcription of music, a signature feature of Atelier Le Traon’s textile art.
Each note is represented by a color, lines and columns are adopting the rhythms of the composition:
the fabric has become a music score.
Listen here to the Beatles’s original version of the song, and discover also Rufus Wainwright’s beautiful interpretation.
Beatles’ version
Rufus Wainwright’s version
At the edge and on the border of the throw, the colors are organised between two white stripes in the order of the scale: the dark blue line slightly larger than the others indicates the “G“ note and acts as a marker. (A-grey, B-beige, C-red, etc.) The white color is used to note rests. F-sharp is indicated by the alternance of green (F) and blue (G). C-sharp alternates red (C) and dark beige (D).