Creation #55
Hand Woven in Paris

This plump generous cushion is a woven transcription of music, a signature feature of Atelier Le Traon’s textile art.
Each note is represented by a color, lines and columns are adopting the rhythms of the composition:
the fabric has become a music score…
Listen here to the Habanera sung by the immortal Maria Callas:
Are You A Musician?
This is how you'll find the key!

At the edges of the cushion, the colors are woven between two white stripes in the order of the music scale:
the darker beige line that is slightly larger than the others indicates the “G“ note and acts as a marker: A is deep blue, B is red, C is light beige, etc.) The white color is used to note rests.
B-Flat is indicated by the alternance of red (B) and deep blue (A). F-sharp alternates light blue (F) and dark beige (G).
You’re now ready to “play” the fabric…